It was the privilege of the Hungarian crystallographers and especially of our research group to organise the 6th European Crystallography School (ECS6) in Budapest, Hungary, although on-line because of the pandemic. ECS6 was a magnificent event.

We are grateful for the contribution and participation of the 35 teachers from 8 countries: Hungary, UK, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Poland, Portugal Switzerland. Three of them should be highlighted listed by the order of their topic in the schedule: Christian Lehmann, John Helliwell and Manfred Weiss, they took several lectures, a huge responsibility for the school. 90 students from 4 continents and 33 countries (Italy, UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, France, Spain, USA, Canada, India, Poland, Scandinavia, Baltic states, Switzerland, Benelux countries, UAE, Maghreb countries, Ecuador, Ghana, Taiwan in addition to all neighbouring countries of Hungary) took the challenge to follow the long, busy days even from different time zones. During the five days we could listen excellent lectures, vivid discussions, a hands-on-tutorial and laboratory practices. We got an overview of the very broad field of crystallography: diffraction physics, symmetry, reciprocal space, instrumentation and experimental techniques, structural chemistry, non-ambient conditions, structural biology, data validation and quality among others. The lectures covered emerging techniques, like electron diffraction, and the role of the databases CSD and PDB. You could get some extra information on solution chemistry, on how to publish and also on structural aspects of COVID. The students could test their new knowledge with a quiz. We are grateful for the European Crystallographic Association, the International Union of Crystallography and the Italian Crystallographic Association for supporting students’ participations, and for the financial support of the exhibitors to the school. The attendees were also offered to participate in the networking sessions, live on-line sightseeing tours of Buda and Pest, and the concert of the Chemical Singers.
For more details of the school visit the website at:

Petra Bombicz, Nóra V May, Sourav De,
Streaming from the studio, the technical team,
technical editor, Laura Bereczki, Tamás Holczbauer